What creates lasting change?
The Path of R.E.A.L. Transformation is a Deep Dive into the Realms that Empower
At Lucid Living, we’ve been guiding awakened souls through the process of change for over twenty years. We’ve witnessed the miraculous again and again: Profound transformation happens when we dive deeply into what’s real.
The Magic of this work is found in your willingness to go deep. But where, exactly, do you need to go? What are the More Real domains where change happens?
Our maps of R.E.A.L.ness lead into the depths of:
- Responsibility: Deeply explore the magnificent design of your story to become empowered
- Emotional Authenticity: Feel more deeply into authentic emotion as a trustworthy compass to your Truer Self
- Adult Authority: Listen more compassionately to your many inner voices to heal internal wounds of separation and discover your genuine Adult voice
- Loving: Dive deeper into loving self-acceptance, opening to receive the abundant divine love that waits for you
You can explore in any order, soon realizing that going deeper anywhere creates ripples everywhere.
For example, it may be the right time for you to dive deeper into love, which may start with learning to cultivate more nurturing self-talk, or it could mean opening up to the knowing that you are fully loved by a Divine Source and letting yourself feel it.
Or your soul may be calling you to reclaim denied emotion, to find your empowered voice and generate self-respecting boundaries. The exploration of spiritual adulthood is always eye-opening for our students, bringing long-sought clarity and revelation. (Secret: Whether or not you realize it, your Adult is the one you’ve been longing to become.)
As you strip away layers of who you are not, you discover the treasures of your Truer Self: your passion, your purpose, your heart’s desires, and the grace of all that comes naturally to your soul: love, courage, compassion, imagination, creativity, trust, confidence and joy.
Isn’t it time for R.E.A.L. Transformation?
“When vision becomes real enough, it inspires action.”